Saturday, February 23, 2019

Portfolio Project 2

After taking into consideration the video choice I should do from my last post, I have come to the consensus that I will be making a short film of a comedic bomb defusal. When thinking of possible jokes I could write for this, I decided to start at one question, "What is the exact opposite thing you should do when handling explosives?". Following this led me to a website run by ATF, or the bureau of alcohol, tobacco firearms, and explosives which led me to a goldmine of potential jokes just sitting there at my disposal. I also tried to keep my humor along the same as Tomska'a videos with popular comedian Crabsticksz, since I'm a huge fan on the style they chose to go with.

I also decided to start working on ideas for the first draft of my storyboard. I want to be able to keep a quick clean succession of shots for the film which change tempo in action as the music changes in tempo. When I finish making this draft I will have a picture of it posted in my next blog update.

Portfolio project

After taking many days of preparations to decide on what I wanted to do for my portfolio project, I decided to go with a comedic film opening. I knew that for the choices given I wanted to do something surrounding film. The idea for the choice of comedy came to me surprisingly late one night as I was preparing for sleep. I was watching an old youtuber I used to enjoy named Tomska, a British youtube celebrity, writer, producer, director, actor, and filmmaker. His use of puns, comedic timing/delivery of jokes, and creation of his own music for his videos always made them feel more professional, even in his early days. The editing and the style of comedy in which he tries to portray really do shine in the videos listed below and will serve as guidelines for me throughout this project.

Tomska Videos

I’m stuck now on what idea my film opening should be about. I have 2 general bases for what the video could be, one being a comedic bomb defusal, and the other a series of events showing dismay sometime in the future and how certain actions have caused those catastrophic scenarios. I'll be writing soon about my choice in the next post.