Saturday, February 23, 2019

Portfolio Project 2

After taking into consideration the video choice I should do from my last post, I have come to the consensus that I will be making a short film of a comedic bomb defusal. When thinking of possible jokes I could write for this, I decided to start at one question, "What is the exact opposite thing you should do when handling explosives?". Following this led me to a website run by ATF, or the bureau of alcohol, tobacco firearms, and explosives which led me to a goldmine of potential jokes just sitting there at my disposal. I also tried to keep my humor along the same as Tomska'a videos with popular comedian Crabsticksz, since I'm a huge fan on the style they chose to go with.

I also decided to start working on ideas for the first draft of my storyboard. I want to be able to keep a quick clean succession of shots for the film which change tempo in action as the music changes in tempo. When I finish making this draft I will have a picture of it posted in my next blog update.

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