Friday, March 1, 2019

Blog Discussion 3/1/19

Beginning our discussion we discussed choosing a character based narrative over a story driven opening. To do this we talked of having the main character follow a specific theme or have a particular object that he is constantly with such as a hat, smoking, always cracking his fingers. With this the viewer will follow more on the actions of the character and how they are feeling as compared to a story taking control.

Another topic discussed was my project. I believe i'm going to go with a office building and show the story, not tell it. By this I mean not filling the scene with dialogue explaining the story.

Yet another was the topic of horror. The members wanted to have a "2+2= "set up where the viewer is left with many questions. The idea we came to was to have a Halloween, Jaws style shot where you get a POV of the monster/killer and have little details in the background explain the story. Examples of this include how in Halloween, we see Micheal Myers  go throughout a house, and on TV we see how killer has escaped the asylum, furthering the story without blatantly telling the audience from an actor.

We also discussed different techniques and movies we enjoyed to help with our work and possible influence. Examples of this include creating your own colored light with plastic covering and a long stick, areas to create lighting for horror movies that doesn't reveal too much and also shows enough of the character/surroundings.

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