Friday, March 1, 2019

portfolio project 3

For my project, I originally had a few ideas as to what I wanted to film. From my previous post, I decided to create a story board surrounding the idea of a comedic bomb diffusal. I brought it up to my teacher, Mrs. Stoklossa, and we decided on the best option for what skit would be easiest for me. Now, I am going to change my previous idea to a new one about man who must fake his way through his job as CEO of a huge company. While he has a very prestigious position, he has no idea how to do his job correctly and must use techniques to convince others he is qualified.

Today we got together with other members and got to discuss the progress on our projects, and the feedback I received really helped me get a better understanding of what I could do to make my film opening better. We went over possible openings to the scene, film locations (which other members have been very helpful to provide) and ways to tell the story with either dialogue, or visual clues. 

For my next planning, I want to get together with other members who will help me work out a script and story board. In my next post I plan to have a rough draft of the story board shown and any changes I might make to the idea I have. 

I really enjoy the progress that I'm making and the work I get to put into this project. Its a great learning experience and I hope to have more detailed plans for what I'm going to do next. 

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